Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Wanda's Peacock Quilt

My husband's aunt passed away in April 2021, and I wanted to make a quilt for his cousin Wanda.  Wanda's daughter told me that she loved peacocks.  I did some research and found out that peacocks come in more colors than I realized.  I based my fabric pull off of that research.    (I added the pink because it is her favorite color.)

All of the fabrics came from my stash and scraps.  Each fabric was cut into 4" by 10" rectangles for one of my favorite simple quilt patterns.  

By the way, Kitty was getting too big for the playpen and I changed up the play area of my studio. 

I pieced the quilt into columns and then a whole quilt top.  

Then I quilted it on the longarm.  

Loops in rows give such great texture.

I decided to add one heart to the quilting like I did on my niece's quilt.

It is bound in one of the teal fabrics from the quilt that matches the backing.

Here is the quilt right before we gifted it to her.  

I am so grateful for cousin Wanda.  She is loving and wonderful.  She even adopted our dog Oreo when we could no longer take care of him.  (He got way too jealous of Kitty.)  I hope this quilt brings her some comfort and helps her remember how loved she is.



  1. You're right about the quilting. It looks wonderful!

  2. The colors just glow, and I love the addition of one heart that you added to the quilting. I'm sure the quilt brings her a lot of joy, comfort, love, and warmth!

  3. You have been on fire with your quilting and posting!! It does remind me of the gorgeous colors of peacocks. I have a local friend that raises a few, she just loves them and invited me over to see them.


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