Thursday, October 6, 2022

Nephew Quilt for G

 I decided to start working on quilts for some of my older nephews and nieces who haven't gotten married.  This quilt is for my oldest nephew G.  It seemed to take forever to finish.  

He told me that his favorite color combination is blue and black.  I had enough fabric in my stash for the quilt top.  There are two 3.5 inch strips each from twelve different blues.  

A month later I had a quilt top.  

I didn't want to go to the store to buy backing fabric, so I ended up trading for some with my friend.  Four months after the quilt top was complete I quilted it on the Bernina Q24.  

I think the loopy spiral is great on masculine quilts.  

Two days later I was able to get the binding on late at night.  

It took another four and a half months to get some better pictures.  Here it is in front of an arbor my husband built for our backyard.  I need to figure out a better way to hang quilts from this arbor.  My husband had a hard time holding it up straight.  

Taking pictures on a cloudy day helped to not wash out the black in the sunlight.  (But it was still hard to capture the colors accurately)

I had hoped to give G his quilt at Christmas 2021, but never saw him or his family.  It is actually still sitting in my studio.  I hope I can give it to him in person soon.



  1. I made a blue and black quilt for my brother, too. I think it's a great combination. There is something about log cabin blocks that can feel like they take a really long time. I hope you get to visit with your nephew soon so he can receive his quilt from you in person.

  2. I really like the simple block to show off the fabrics, black and blue quilts are so pretty!.


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