Friday, October 7, 2022

My October Bed Quilt

After all the wedding quilts of 2020 I had a lot of black and white scraps.  I had planned on making an improv log cabin with them after I pieced my camping quilt in 2020.  

I started piecing 49 blocks in August 2021.  

Each block started with a 2.5 inch solid black square and has one more "log" in the third round that is solid black.  I made them big enough that I could square them up at 12.5 inches.  

While I was working on these blocks I cut out fabric for two more rectangle quilts.  One for another niece's wedding and one for me.  I used a lot of scraps, but ended up having to cut into yardage to finish all 49 blocks.  I cut out the two other quilts to make sure I had enough fabric for them.  

It didn't take long to finish all 49 blocks and lay them out of my design floor.  

But then I got Covid.  I isolated for the 10 days and wore masks for antoher month.  (My cough didn't want to go away.) Luckily I never got very sick and no one else in my family got it from me.  I also didn't have a lot of energy for things other than recovery and taking care of my family.  So a month and a half later I finally pieced the quilt top together and added the borders.  I remember feeling like my whole body was shaking as I did the sewing.  I think it was probably pretty good physical therapy for me.  

A few days later I got it loaded on the frames and quilted a little bit at a time over a few days.  

It was such a good feeling when I could take it off the frames.  

I had quilted it with a simple stipple because it is good muscle memory and the blocks are so busy.

A few days later I got it trimmed and bound in a solid black.  

The girls helped me celebrate the finish with a stomp of approval.  

Then I took it outside for a couple pictures. 

Then I put it on my bed where it stayed until Christmastime.  

I look forward to using this quilt every year.  I love how elegant it looks and the reminder of perseverance.  I can do hard things.



  1. The quilt looks so elegant on your bed. I'm so sorry you got covid, and I'm glad that your family stayed healthy. The recovery from it sounds so daunting.

  2. Oh I am so sorry you got Covid, but wow no one else in the family got it-super good! I love the black quilt. I finished up a black/gray/red one this year and sold it! I have fabric to make another someday.


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