Friday, October 14, 2022

Wedding Quilt for C & G

I made this quilt for my niece C and her husband G.  I chose these colors because I know she loves the combination and her nickname has been Ladybug.  

I cut the quilt out back in August 2021.

I put it on the design wall in December 2021.

I pieced it in January 2022.

I quilted it late at night in February 2022. 

There is one heart among the loops on the quilt.

I added the binding in March 2022.

Then I took some better pictures in May 2022 right before I gave it to them.  

Have you seen the heart yet?  It is on the bottom row.  

Here's a peek at the minky backing and the heart.  

One advantage to waiting for taking pictures is that my husband was able to get the pavers finished under the arbor.  

He did such a beautiful job.  

And he even held the quilt up for me.  

I love this quilt and I know they do too.  It may have taken awhile to finish it, but I know that every step is one closer to a finished quilt that can be used and snuggled with.



  1. It's a beautiful quilt, and it's great to hear that they love it. It's so nice when the quilts we make with care and love are well received and fully enjoyed. I'm definitely loving your addition of a heart in your loops; what a fun tradition to have started!

  2. Did he build that arbor just for you and quilt photography;) Love that you remembered to document steps in each of the quilts you have shown. I forget to do that a lot!!

  3. Congratulations to the happy couple (and their quilt)! Congrats to you (and hubby) on creating the perfect photography spot!!

  4. Those colors are perfect for Ladybug. At first I thought it was for an Ohio State fan. Your lines are perfectly straight for those blocks. You made simple look exquisite. Congrats, Jasmine, on your gorgeous finish. I love the loopy quilting too. Woohoo!


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