Monday, October 31, 2022

New Minky Blankets

 It is no secret that we love minky at our house or that I use minky for a lot of backings.  One weekend in May 2022 I decided to use scraps and new minky to make new blankets for the family.  

Cheetah finally got an extra large blanket that I had promised him a year before.  It is big finishing about 60 by 90 inches.  He absolutely loves it. 

I used my rainbow scraps and some pinkish purple minky for Bunny.  

Evidently it makes a great dance stage first thing in the morning before getting ready for the day.

Kitty didn't get a new blanket at the time because hers was practically brand new.  

Monkey claimed the one I was making with my black and gray scraps.  

I thought Panda would want the one I made with my blue scraps, but he wasn't interested at all.  

At least my husband likes it. 

So I went back to the store and got some orange and red minky for Panda.  

Kitty liked his orange blanket too.  

A few months later (in September) I decided she needed her own orange minky blanket.  

She drags it around everywhere. 

I think minky is a love language at my house.  


P.S.  Happy Halloween!


  1. You have a beautiful family wrapped up all snuggly!

  2. Minky is absolutely a love language at your house. I love seeing how happy and pleased they all are with the blankets and quilts you so lovingly make for them. :)


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